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The results of The Ball is in Play International Cartoon Contest-Poland 2012
2012-05-25 21:20:03 From: Author: 【B M S】 Browse:10425次 Comment:0



大奖--Krzysztof Grzondziel (Poland).jpg

Grand Prix - Krzysztof Grzondziel (Poland)

1Gerhard Gepp (Austria).jpg

1st Prize - Gerhard Gepp (Austria)

2Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine).jpg

2nd Prize - Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine)

3Ross Thomson (Great Britain).jpg

3rd Prize - Ross Thomson (Great Britain)


4Nikola Hendrickx (Belgia).jpg
Nikola Hendrickx (Belgia)

The Award for the artist under 30 years of age
Nikola Hendrickx (Belgia) za pracę „The Goal”

The 1st and the 2nd Prize was founded by Duval Foundation

Special Awards:

5 Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine).jpg

Special Award of the Museum of Sport and Tourism - Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine)

7Vasiliy Alexandrov (Russia).jpg

Award of the Association of Polish Caricaturists SPAK - Vasiliy Alexandrov (Russia)

6 Run Tang Li (China).jpg

Special Award of  Media Corporation - Run Tang Li (China)


Tags: Responsible editor:redman
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