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Result Of The Karikaturum 8 International Forum Of Visual Humor Surgut /Russia 2015
2015-06-08 13:22:58 From: Author: 【B M S】 Browse:3222次 Comment:0
In Surgut Art Museum held a press conference dedicated to the results and the announcement of winners of the International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM 8. 
The Surgut Fine Arts Museum in the International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM 8 - 162 artists from 37 countries sent 555 works. From 15 to 17 May 2015 by the International Jury of the Forum was held the eighth selection of the best entries, and at the final press conference were named winners:

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1. JingShan Li /China - Grand Prize

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3. Andrey Popov /Russia - Silver 

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4. Agim Sulaj /Italy - Bronze

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5. Dmitriy Moskin /Russia - Prize Museo Surgut 

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6. Sergey Lemehov /Russia - Prizes Jury

7. Vareri Alexandrov – Walex (Walex Alexandrov) /Bulgaria - Prizes Jury

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